Vegetable Rice Bowl

I’d like to tell you that this recipe is quick and easy.  But since rice takes forever to cook…it’s easy, but not so quick.  But it is perfect if you went to the gym while your husband fed the children mac & cheese and now you need to feed yourself…at bedtime.

You can easily use left over rice or boil in the bag riceto make this a 5 minute meal, but if you need to do something for 45 minutes (like put the children to bed), it is just as easy to make rice and have a yummy, healthy meal for one!

Vegetable Rice Bowl
An Amy Original

½ cup uncooked brown rice
1 ¼ cups water
½ tsp dry chicken stock
¼ tsp dried rosemary
¼ tsp dried basil
1/8 tsp garlic powder
1 (10 oz) frozen steam in bag vegetable medley
¼ cup Monterey jack cheese (or sharp cheddar)

In a small pot, stir together the rice, water, and spices.  Bring to a boil.  Cover and reduce heat to medium low.  Cook for 45 minutes.

{Get the kids ready for bed}

Cook the frozen vegetables according to package instructions.

Mix the rice and the vegetables in a bowl, top with the cheese and serve.

Serves 1
