Right around Sarah
Catherine’s birthday last month, a good friend sent me this poem.
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It so perfectly captures the
thoughts that go through my head when someone inevitably asks me how many
children I have. And it’s the prefect
answer to the question.
I remember writing about this
very topic last year around this time. I
was still in the height of my grief and I had no idea how to answer. I would feel terrible not honoring Sarah
Catherine by including her in our children, but I’d stumble over the question
and awkward silence would follow.
It’s taken a lot of time and
a lot of courage, but I am finally able to speak up and “count” Sarah. In fact, just before I saw the poem above, I
was with a group and someone said to me, “you have only have 2 children.” It halted me in my tracks and I finally spoke
“No, I have three.”
“We lost Sarah Catherine, but
she still counts. I have three.”
There was a slight awkward
pause, the person admitted to forgetting about our loss (ouch, but
understandable) and then the conversation moved on. Thankfully with none of the pitying looks
that I wrote about last time.
I stood up for myself. I stood up for Sarah Catherine. It wasn’t a huge thing. It was 2 sentences, but it made a huge
impact, at least for me.
It showed me that I can
include Sarah Catherine when I tell people about my children. And as long as I handle the situation with
confidence, others can feel sad with me,
instead of pity for me.
It’s a huge step in the right
So, how many children do I
I have three.
I have two that run and one
that flies.
Dude is 6, Spud is 4, and
Sarah Catherine would be 1.
Happy Birthday Dear Sarah....share your cake with Aunt Linda and Grandpa Dick.